Water Engineering

Water technology: the basis for hygiene and operational safety

The use of water treatment techniques increases operational safety and reduces running costs, as damage to the plants caused by limescale deposits and corrosion is avoided. Since January 2015, the operators of evaporative coolers have also been responsible for the hygienic safety of their systems. ERT’s experts are available to answer all your water-related questions.

Our watertreat experts are also distinguished by their comprehensive knowledge of cooling and refrigeration technology. Decades of experience and certification in accordance with VDI 2047 form the basis for optimal, cost-effective solutions tailored to your system constellation and perfect integration into the overall system. The range of services of our watertreat program includes


Water softening: maintaining the efficiency and service life of the systems:

The water hardness is determined by the concentration of the ions of the alkaline earth metals (especially Ma2+ and Ca2+). These hardeners can form insoluble compounds, in particular lime or lime soaps, which are then deposited in pipelines and cooling systems in the form of so-called scale. This affects plant efficiency and shortens the service life of cooling systems.

ERT’s watertreat program with waterSOFT includes all components for maintaining the efficiency and service life of your cooling and refrigeration systems – from advice on system selection to integration into your specific system environment.

Osmosis: Pure water supply for cooling systems:

Osmotic pure water production is based on the fact that water molecules can diffuse through a semipermeable membrane, while other molecules are too large to penetrate the membrane. If two differently concentrated solutions are separated by a semi-permeable membrane, the so-called osmotic pressure occurs, i.e. water diffuses from the less concentrated solution into the more concentrated solution to create a balance. In reverse osmosis water treatment, however, pressure is exerted on the more concentrated solution so that the normal osmotic pressure is too weak. The water molecules are pressed through the membrane and pure water is produced. No chemical additives are required for this process. This process is used in particular for the desalination of water.

The watertreat program offers with waterOSMO the possibility to desalinate

  • soft water
  • Hardness-stabilized raw water
  • brackish water
  • sea water

Desalination plants: Using water economically:

In all evaporation processes, only chemically pure water evaporates, while the remaining ingredients such as salts and hardness builders concentrate in the remaining cooling water. The water thickens and the risk of corrosion and deposits in the cooling system increases. It is therefore essential to supply fresh water in open or semi-open cooling circuits. At the same time, however, the salts must also be removed from the cooling water.

The waterDESAL module of our watertreat program includes all services necessary for an economical and ecological desalination of your cooling system: From control technology to complete desalination plants including installation in customer-specific plant environments and parameterisation and commissioning.

Dosage: Precise water conditioning:

The quality of the circulating water is not only decisive for the performance of the plants: the constantly increasing requirements regarding hygiene and the environment must also be taken into account when operating the plants. Here it is necessary to precisely dose the necessary chemical additives so that all requirements are met. With the waterDOSE module we support our customers in cooling water conditioning with

  • Complete dosing stations
  • separate components
  • control engineering

This ensures the operational reliability of your cooling system and keeps an eye on operating costs.

Chemistry: An integral part of water treatment:

Today, the economical use of water in cooling and refrigeration systems is a matter of course for operators. However, this also means that chemical processing is unavoidable, as strict hygiene standards must be observed and the efficiency and availability of the plant must be ensured.

With waterCHEM, ERT’s watertreat programme contains all the necessary components for this purpose

  • Avoidance of biological growth in the cooling system (e.g. Legionella)
  • antifreeze agent
  • dispersants
  • hardness stabilizers
  • corrosion protection

We are looking forward to your project!

Please contact us for a personal consultation. As soon as we have determined all conditions with you, we will work out an individual procedure for the best possible and most efficient project handling.

Call us: 49 40 7610 480